99+ Filipino Dog Names: Unique Male and Female Names

Filipino Dog Names

In Filipino, the name “Lakan” holds the esteemed title for Filipino nobility, signifying “chief” or “lord.” It is a fitting choice for a regal and dignified dog and “Tala,” the morning and evening star goddess in Filipino mythology, is a perfect match for a radiant and bright canine companion.

Our Top Ten Names For Filipino Dogs

Male Filipino Dog NamesFemale Filipino Dog Names
AmihanLumang Bahay

How To Chose A Best Filipino Dog Name?

Choosing the best Filipino dog name can be a fun and meaningful process. Here are some steps and tips to help you select the perfect name for your furry friend:

Consider Pronunciation and Ease of Spelling

Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and spell. This will make it easier for you and others to call your dog.

Reflect Your Dog’s Personality

Observe your dog’s behavior, temperament, and quirks. Is your dog playful, gentle, energetic, or calm? Choose a name that reflects these traits.

Draw Inspiration from Filipino Culture

Filipino culture is rich and diverse, offering a wide array of names with various meanings. You can look into:

Traditional Filipino Names: Explore traditional Filipino names that have significance or are derived from Filipino culture and history.

Tagalog Words: Consider using Tagalog words that have a positive meaning or resonate with you.

Consider Names from Nature or Places

The Philippines is known for its beautiful landscapes and rich biodiversity. Consider names inspired by nature or specific places in the Philippines.

Avoid Confusing Commands:

Choose a name that doesn’t sound like common commands. For example, avoid names that sound like “sit,” “stay,” or “no.”

Male Filipino Dog Names

  • Lakan: A title for Filipino nobility, meaning “chief” or “lord.” For a regal and dignified dog.
  • Kasoy: Filipino word for “cashew.” Perfect for a playful and nutty pup.
  • Tala: The morning and evening star goddess in Filipino mythology. For a radiant and bright canine.
  • Linggo: Filipino for “Sunday.” Ideal for a relaxed and laid-back dog.
  • Lakandula: A Filipino noble title, meaning “prince” or “king.” Suitable for a majestic and commanding pooch.
  • Bayani: Tagalog for “hero. For a courageous and loyal companion.
  • Kabute: Filipino for “mushroom.” Great for a dog with a unique and earthy personality.
  • Amihan: The name of the mythical bird in Filipino folklore. Perfect for an agile and free-spirited dog.
  • Alon: Filipino for “wave.” Ideal for a dog who loves the water and enjoys surfing.
  • Gatilyo: Filipino for “trigger.”) A name for a fast and alert canine.
  • Sulayman: A historical Filipino warrior. For a strong and fearless dog.
  • Sagwan: Filipino for “paddle.” Suitable for an adventurous and water-loving pup.
  • Balikbayan: Filipino term for overseas Filipino workers.) A name for a well-traveled and worldly dog.
  • Kawayan: Filipino for “bamboo.” For a resilient and flexible canine.
  • Lapu-Lapu: A Filipino hero who fought against Spanish colonization. Perfect for a brave and protective dog.
  • Tadhana: Filipino for “destiny.” A name for a dog who brings joy and purpose to your life.
  • Bulaklak: Filipino for “flower.” Great for a dog with a vibrant and colorful personality.
  • Kulay: Filipino for “color.” Ideal for a visually striking and lively pup.
  • Hagibis: Named after the Philippine eagle, also known as the monkey-eating eagle. For a dog with a strong and predatory nature.
  • Lakapati: The hermaphrodite deity of fertility in Filipino mythology. Suitable for a nurturing and loving dog.
  • Mayon: Named after Mount Mayon, a famous volcano in the Philippines. Perfect for a dog with a fiery and adventurous spirit.
  • Liwanag: Filipino for “light.” Ideal for a dog who brightens up your life.
  • Kalakal: Filipino for “commerce” or “trade.” A name for an energetic and business-minded pup.
  • Bituin: Filipino for “star.” Great for a dog who shines like a star in your life.
  • Hangin: Filipino for “wind.” Suitable for a free-spirited and breezy canine.
  • Kabute: Filipino for “mushroom.” Perfect for a dog with a unique and earthy personality.
  • Ginto: Filipino for “gold.” Ideal for a dog with a golden heart.
  • Alon: Filipino for “wave.” Great for a dog who loves the water and enjoys surfing.
  • Gabay: Filipino for “guide” or “companion.” For a loyal and dependable canine friend.
  • Diwata: Mythical fairy-like beings in Filipino folklore. Suitable for a magical and enchanting dog.
  • Luzon: The largest island in the Philippines. A name for a strong and dominant dog.
  • Langit: Filipino for “sky” or “heaven.” Ideal for a dog who seems to have descended from the heavens.
  • Harapin: Filipino for “face” or “confront.” Suitable for a brave and confrontational dog.
  • Lupang Hinirang: The national anthem of the Philippines. Perfect for a patriotic and proud canine.
  • Bitag: Filipino for “trap.” A name for a clever and strategic dog.
  • Linta: Filipino for “leech.” Ideal for a dog with a tenacious and persistent nature.
  • Pintig: Filipino for “heartbeat.” Suitable for a dog who holds a special place in your heart.
  • Kilala: Filipino for “known” or “familiar.” Perfect for a dog who is easily recognizable and unforgettable.
  • Lusong: A traditional Filipino mortar and pestle. Great for a dog who’s strong and unyielding.
  • Karunungan: Filipino for “wisdom.” Ideal for a smart and insightful canine.
  • Kalayaan: Filipino for “freedom.” Suitable for an independent and spirited dog.
  • Laging: Filipino for “always.” A name for a dog who is forever by your side.
  • Sulo: Filipino for “torch.” Perfect for a dog who lights up your life.
  • Dalisay: Filipino for “pure.” Ideal for a dog with a gentle and innocent nature.
  • Kapayapaan: Filipino for “peace.” Suitable for a calm and serene dog.
  • Lakambini: Filipino for “muse” or “maiden.” Great for an elegant and enchanting female dog.
  • Lihi: Filipino for “pregnant.” For a nurturing and maternal dog.
  • Pamana: Filipino for “heritage” or “legacy.” A name for a dog with a rich and significant presence.
  • Lupit: Filipino for “fierce” or “brutal.”Ideal for a dog with a strong and dominant personality.
  • Tinig: Filipino for “voice.” Suitable for a dog with a distinctive and expressive bark.

Female Filipino Dog Names

  • Dalagang Bukid: Filipino for “country maiden.” Perfect for a wholesome and pure-hearted female dog.
  • Lumang Simbahan: Filipino for “old church.” Ideal for a dog with a classic and timeless beauty.
  • Kapalaran: Filipino for “destiny” or “fortune.” Suitable for a dog who brings luck and positivity.
  • Dahon: Filipino for “leaf.” Great for a dog with a natural and graceful presence.
  • Binibini: Filipino for “miss” or “young lady.” For a charming and graceful female pup.
  • Diwani: Filipino for “crazy” or “mad.” Ideal for an energetic and lively dog.
  • Katipunan: Filipino revolutionary society during the Spanish colonial period.)
    Description: A name for a dog with a rebellious and free-spirited nature.
  • Bayad: Filipino for “payment.” Suitable for a dog who brings a sense of value to your life.
  • Hanggang: Filipino for “until.” Perfect for a loyal and enduring companion.
  • Kaharian: Filipino for “kingdom.” Ideal for a dog who rules your heart.
  • Lumang Bahay: Filipino for “old house.” Suitable for a dog with a comforting and nostalgic presence.
  • Pinya: Filipino for “pineapple.” Great for a dog with a sweet and tropical personality.
  • Kubo: Filipino for “hut” or “cottage.” A name for a humble and cozy dog.
  • Bukang-Liwayway: Filipino for “dawn” or “daybreak.” Perfect for a dog who brings a new beginning to your life.
  • Kulasa: Filipino for “mixed race” or “mestizo/mestiza.” Ideal for a dog with a diverse and unique heritage.
  • Damdamin: Filipino for “emotion” or “feeling.” Suitable for a sensitive and empathetic dog.
  • Haraya: Filipino for “imagination” or “dream.” Great for a dog with a creative and imaginative spirit.
  • Kariktan: Filipino for “beauty.” For a dog with a captivating and stunning presence.
  • Kalinangan: Filipino for “culture” or “refinement.” Ideal for a dog with an elegant and sophisticated demeanor.
  • Kasinungalingan: Filipino for “lie” or “deception.” Suitable for a mischievous and playful female dog.
  • Kariktan: Filipino for “beauty.” For a dog with a captivating and stunning presence.
  • Alitaptap: Filipino for “firefly.” Perfect for a dog with a glowing and radiant personality.
  • Bilog: Filipino for “circle.” Ideal for a dog who completes your life.
  • Halakhak: Filipino for “laughter” or “guffaw.” Suitable for a dog with a joyful and infectious laugh.
  • Munting Prinsesa: Filipino for “little princess.” Great for a dainty and royal female dog.
  • Tagumpay: Filipino for “victory.” A name for a dog who brings success and triumph.
  • Diwa: Filipino for “spirit” or “essence.” Perfect for a dog with a soulful and deep presence.
  • Saklolo: Filipino for “help” or “rescue.” Ideal for a dog who’s always there to support you.
  • Tala: The morning and evening star goddess in Filipino mythology. For a radiant and bright canine.
  • Puno: Filipino for “tree.” Suitable for a dog who provides stability and shelter.
  • Kulay: Filipino for “color.” Ideal for a visually striking and lively pup.
  • Laban: Filipino for “fight” or “struggle.” Suitable for a determined and strong-willed dog.
  • Bayanihan: Filipino tradition of community cooperation. Perfect for a dog who thrives in a supportive environment.
  • Sining: Filipino for “art.” Ideal for a dog who brings creativity and expression to your life.
  • Lakambini: Filipino for “muse” or “maiden.” Great for an elegant and enchanting female dog.
  • Lihi: Filipino for “pregnant.” For a nurturing and maternal dog.
  • Hinugot: Filipino for “pulled” or “drawn out.” Suitable for a dog with a determined and persistent nature.
  • Pamana: Filipino for “heritage” or “legacy.” A name for a dog with a rich and significant presence.
  • Bulaklak: Filipino for “flower.” Great for a dog with a vibrant and colorful personality.
  • Kulasa: Filipino for “mixed race” or “mestizo/mestiza.” Ideal for a dog with a diverse and unique heritage.
  • Luntian: Filipino for “green.” Suitable for a dog with a fresh and lively spirit.
  • Tibay: Filipino for “strength” or “sturdiness.” Perfect for a dog who’s tough and resilient.
  • Bituin: Filipino for “star.” Great for a dog who shines like a star in your life.
  • Laging: Filipino for “always.” A name for a dog who is forever by your side.
  • Kalusugan: Filipino for “health.” Suitable for a dog who brings vitality and well-being.
  • Banyo: Filipino for “bathroom.” Perfect for a dog who loves water and splashing around.
  • Kasal: Filipino for “wedding.” Ideal for a dog who brings joy and celebration to your life.
  • Kampeon: Filipino for “champion.” Suitable for a dog who’s a winner in your heart.
  • Sinta: Filipino for “beloved” or “darling.” Great for a dog who’s deeply cherished and loved.
  • Tala: The morning and evening star goddess in Filipino mythology. For a radiant and bright canine.

Cute Filipino Dog Names

  1. Lingling
    • Inspiration: Derived from “malilingling” which means sweet or melodious in Tagalog.
    • Description: Ideal for a small, charming dog known for its sweet temperament and pleasant demeanor.
  2. Bayani
    • Inspiration: Means “hero” in Filipino, representing bravery and strength.
    • Description: Perfect for a courageous and protective dog, regardless of size.
  3. Sarap
    • Inspiration: Translates to “delicious” in Tagalog, implying something delightful or tasty.
    • Description: Great for a dog with an endearing personality and a penchant for making people smile.
  4. Lakandula
    • Inspiration: A title used during the Spanish colonial period, signifying nobility or royalty.
    • Description: Suited for a regal and elegant-looking dog that carries itself with grace.
  5. Kulit
    • Inspiration: Means “playful” or “mischievous” in Tagalog.
    • Description: Ideal for an energetic, fun-loving pup known for its playful antics and boundless energy.
  6. Ginto
    • Inspiration: Translates to “gold” in Tagalog, symbolizing value and preciousness.
    • Description: Perfect for a dog with a golden coat or one that holds a special place in your heart.
  7. Dalisay
    • Inspiration: Means “pure” or “clean” in Filipino.
    • Description: Suited for a dog with a clean and bright appearance, or one that radiates innocence and goodness.
  8. Halo
    • Inspiration: Derived from “halo-halo,” a popular Filipino dessert known for its colorful mix of ingredients.
    • Description: Great for a multi-colored or mixed-breed dog, reflecting its unique and diverse characteristics.
  9. Bilog
    • Inspiration: Translates to “round” in Tagalog.
    • Description: Ideal for a plump, cuddly dog with a round physique, or one known for its jovial and good-natured disposition.
  10. Sulyap
    • Inspiration: Means “glimpse” or “look” in Filipino.
    • Description: Perfect for a dog with expressive eyes that seem to convey emotions and capture hearts with just a glance.

Funny Tagalog Dog Names

  1. Bilog-Bilog
    • Inspiration: “Bilog” means round in Tagalog, and this name is a playful repetition for emphasis.
    • Description: Perfect for a pudgy, cuddly pup with a round physique that’s just too adorable to resist.
  2. Barok
    • Inspiration: “Barok” is a Filipino slang term for someone who speaks in a humorous or quirky manner.
    • Description: Suited for a dog with a quirky personality, perhaps one that has a unique way of expressing itself or exhibits funny behaviors.
  3. Kulilits
    • Inspiration: Derived from “kulilit,” which means naughty or mischievous in Tagalog.
    • Description: Ideal for a cheeky, playful dog that’s always up to some antics and keeps you on your toes.
  4. Tsibog
    • Inspiration: A colloquial term that means “to eat” in Filipino slang.
    • Description: Great for a food-loving dog that always seems to be thinking about its next meal or snack.
  5. Kikay
    • Inspiration: “Kikay” refers to someone who loves dressing up and being fashionable.
    • Description: Suited for a dog that enjoys wearing cute outfits or has a stylish flair, making everyone around smile with its adorable fashion sense.

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